Monday, January 28, 2019

Zone Conference No 5 and Fútbol

So we had our Zone conference this week (a week earlier than usual) and we ate Pizza Hut (which tasted pretty close to the real thing). Aside from that, the week wasn't very different. We did go to an investigator's house and ate homemade bread with Colada Morada, which tasted SOOO good.

Today we played Fútbol, my first time in Ecuador. I'm in better shape than I thought, but I still stink at the game. But it was a lot of fun. I haven't taken a lot of photos this transfer so far, and I apologized for that. I need to get used to taking pictures, still.

All is well here, so far. I've yet to be robbed (knock on wood), and the people still look at me like I'm an alien from another planet, hahaha. Our ward here is a LOT bigger than Pelileo, but sometime the members can't feed us. I'm progressing with everything, but I'm not where I want to be yet. Time feels too short, and I feel  there may not be enough of it. So, I'll enjoy it while I have it and try to show that.

Have a great week and  know that our Heavenly Father helps and guides us, especially when we need it.

¡Les quiero!

Élder Sharp


Monday, January 21, 2019

Another Week, Another Email

This week was normal aside from the fact that we did divisions on Wednesday then had service on Friday. We've done service where I hauled buckets of sand up about 4 floors by rope and pulley. I got some wicked blisters because I did it for about 5 hours.  Everyone was surprised at how long I did it and asked "are all poeple from the States like that?" It made me grateful for ROTC. I definately felt a strong spirit more than a few times as I testified of our Savior and of Satan. It's a little funny to say, but I really do have a testimony of the power of Satan. He is real, and he is VERY angry right now. But, if we do what's right, we've no need to fear.

¡Tengan una buena semana!

Élder Sharp

Monday, January 14, 2019

Good Things are Happening in Ecuador

My week was pretty normal aside from my birthday.  A family here threw a small party for me which was cool. I made Forros for myself out of leather. Elder Callisaya did the shading, but I did the rest. It is so weird to think I'm 20 now... I can't say I'm a teen anymore, hahaha.

I finished the talks by President Nelson this week and have a new respect for the man. I was thinking a lot this week on how I can be better as I tend to get stuck in a rut if I'm not careful, and I really think the best way to do that is prayer, as that is the direct communication to God we have.  He wants us to be good.

I realized how cool it is that I have this opportunity to do this, as we are allowed into strangers' homes to share the message we have. If it were a different message I doubt they'd be so kind, hahaha. That's the Power, that Spirit, that were are  given as missionaries, and I'm so grateful for that.

Here's the stanza for January's "Hurrah for Israel!": 
"Hurrah for Israel! I am but a man!
If you cut me I'll bleed, but I'll do all I can,
to be the kind of person I know that I can be
Look to Christ in everything and follow His loving lead!"

I've realized how great this time is. I'm devoting ALL my time to my Heavenly Father, and I won't ever have another opportunity like this. THAT'S awesome.



Tuesday, January 1, 2019

¡Feliz Navidad, Prospero Año, y Felicidad!

Sorry I missed last week guys! With the Video Call to my family, I forgot to send a Weekly.

2019!!!! I can't believe how fast time flies, it feels just like yesterday it was 2018.... sorry....

Bad jokes aside, it is a little hard to believe it's 2019 already. A lot happened last year and I've changed A LOT (for instance: I speak Spanish now) and I feel this year'll be FULL of experiences. Yesterday we found out we are both leaving Pelileo! I'm going to Quito, I'll be in Guamani with Elder Callisaya (from Peru, I think). We couldn't leave our house yesterday because of "Biudas" (men that dress up as women and annoy people for money, apparently they can get real bad) and also there were a heck ton of drunks (a lot are STILL drinking today, hahaha). The fireworks they shot off last night were so loud; I didn't go to sleep until after 12, haha.

 So, today was our P-day. we went around saying goodbye to everyone in our sector and taking pictures. It was very bittersweet, as I knew I was leaving, but it was still hard to leave them. I've been here a little over four months and it's hard to leave after all that time.

My Mission President shared with me three questions he asks himself every New Year to be better: "What am I not doing now that I should be doing tomorrow?" "What am I doing now that I shouldn't be doing?" and "What should I keep doing in the year to come?"  I've never been one for Resolutions, but these questions are pretty good.

I love how Elder Holland talks about how some conduct "isn't Christian" and how straightforward both he and President Nelson are in all of their discourses. I've met a few people who don't like them for that, but I always think "read the Book of Mormon and see how many times prophets of God 'spoke plainly'." I love the Prophet and wholeheartedly sustain him and his Apostles.

We had a Baptism this past Saturday!!! I performed the ordinance, and I cannot describe the feelings I felt... pure love and happiness is the closest I can get. He was so ready, and it was so awesome to be a part of. (I can't send the pics this week, so I'll send them next)

My Aunt Sarah sent me these BYU Speeches by Jeffrey R Holland that are awesome:

It's interesting that the new transfer in right at the New Year, I really feel big things are gonna come to pass this next year and can't wait to see where I'm at in 6 months.

I love you guys.  I hope y'all and a wonderful New Years, and I wish you all a prosperous 2019!

¡Feliz Año!
Élder Sharp