Monday, November 26, 2018

Another week


So this week wasn't too different. We had a "barbeque" as an Elder's Quorum activity Saturday; that was fun. We invited some investigators, but they didn't make it. So it was just with members, but fun nonetheless.
My Thanksgiving wasn't too special because they don't celebrate it here; but Christmas, aparently, is HUGE. The decorations and the sales are up as well, hahaha. I got a pair of shoes from a member in Ambato who makes nice, durable shoes for missionaries cheap.  They will go nicely with my new suit. ;)

We are progressing fairly well with a couple families, and my Spanish is a LOT better. I wouldn't say I'm fluent yet, but everyone tells me I'm doing well for only having 6 months on my mission. So I'll continue with faith that even if I can't speak, I speak well enough for the people to understand my purpose hear and the joy that cames from our message.

Have an awesome week and smile a lot! A smile goes a long way, especially in the world we're in right now.

¡Les Quiero!

Élder Sharp


Monday, November 19, 2018

Baptism and Chontacuros!

Hey Everyone! 
We had a baptism last Saturday! It was a woman who'd been investigating the Church for about 8 years and had decided to be baptized finally. It was awesome to have that opportunity, and I hope to have it many times. We also had a "send off" for one of the members here who's going on a mission to the "Peru Trujiho North Mission". That was cool to see the Branch put that together.

Today we went to Puyo and ate "chontacuros asados" (some kind of worm they eat in El Oriente). The taste wasn't bad, surprisingly. Texture was a bit weird, though. Cuy and chonticuros down. I wonder what else I'll eat here, hahaha. We also went to another zoo, and there were Racoons there! That was funny.

I also found out I'll be in Pelileo for another 6 weeks! That'll make 18 weeks, which is awesome! I'm really excited to be here, because we've got a couple families progressing and my Spanish is better everyday.  I can talk with some measure of confidence now, and I'm learning to laugh at myself when I mess up more. Patience with myself is definatly one of those "things" I'm  learning.

I hope y'all have an amazing Thanksgiving. I'm definitely eternally grateful for my family and those experiences we've had together. Even half the world away, they are helping me through those hard times I've had, and I wouldn't trade them for anything.

¡Adios, queridos amigos!

Èlder Sharp


Monday, November 12, 2018

Ambato Independence Day

Hello once again!

So this week was good. I was able to download "the Saints" (a book from the church) onto my MP3 player, and that has been really cool. I love history, especially from the Church.

We are working, even with all the opposition. Being on a mission has really challenged me spiritually. Physically, I'm doing fine, but I feel at times I should've been more astute and more upright, that I became too numb before I went. But I know this church is true, and therefore all the promises we have are true as well. That has been awesome.

One of my favorite places here is Chiquicha, with its views and Members. The Members there, though few, are very strong in the Gospel and love the Missionaries. They are all farmers and therefore are humble. It's really cool to work with them and hear their stories.

Today's the Independance Day of Ambato, so when we went there today, a bunch of the roads were blocked off and there was a parade. I don't know the story, but it was cool to see.

Next week are transfers, but we think we are gonna have another together. I don't know if it feels like I've been here for about three months. Time is wierd, haha. Yesterday was Veteran's Day, and anybody that knows me, knows how grateful I am to the veterans' sacrifice for us. So Happy Veteran's Day, y'all.

I'm grateful for this oportunity. And I know it'll be a blessing for my whole life.

Have an amazing week, y'all! ¡Nos Vemos!

Élder Sharp


Monday, November 5, 2018

¡Finados Y CUYYY!

So the past week Pelileo (and I think all of Ecuador) celebrated what's called "Finados" and "Día de los Difuntos (which is the Day of the Dead here). We went to Chiquicha Saturday because we had our Zone Conference Friday (which was awesome as always), and the members there gave us "Pan de Leña", a TON of "Colada Morada", Rice with a peanut sauce, chicken, and CUY!! The cuy tasted like a mix between fish and chicken, which I actually liked.
Today we went to a couple of museums in Ambato and one had a money from every country. In the American section, they had $5 coins, which I've never seen before.
The work is fun, I gotta say. I get to see how important God is for others and for my life. I also just found out my brother's going to Mexico!!!! That's awesome and I'm super excited for him.
 A new month, a new stanza: 
"Hurrah for Israel! My work has begun!
I'm ready for trials, bring on the fun!
I give these next two years to my Lord!
I wield the Holy Armour, shield, and sword!

Hurrah for Israel! What more can I say?
May the Refiner's fire light my way!
Awake my soul! Rejoice my heart!
My Lord, please make me as thou art!

Hurrah for Israel! The field is white!
The world is dark, but our light is bright!
Temptations run rampant, the natural man is strong.
But my God is with me, He leads me along!

Hurrah for Isreal! Have faith in Christ!
For when we fall He helps us Rise!
His Atonement is there, and His love is unchanging,
He can calm any storm that´s raging!
Hurrah for Isreal and the Blacksmith above!
I´m folded and battered by His perfecting Love!
Through His great care and patience, a sword I will become,
A weapon against the darkness, Until our Savior doth come!

Hurrah for Isreal! I can't understand,
the love the Lord gives with nail-scarred hands.
He does the impossible and shows us the way.
HE'S the one still standing at the end of the day." 

I hope y'all's week is a fantastic one!

¡Hasta La Pròxima!

Èlder Sharp