Monday, October 29, 2018

¡5 Asistencia!

So this past Sunday we had 5 people come to Church!  That was really awesome!  The rest of the week was more of the same. We taught someone in Patate for the first time and that was cool. I read some from "Jesus the Christ" by James Talmage and realize how much I don't know about Jesus. The book is a hard read, but it blows my mind every time I read it.

Today we went to Baños to a place called "La Casa del Arbol" and they had a few things to do there. That was a cool experience, and the swings there are awesome.

As usual, I'm happy to be here. The love I feel in my time here can only be described as "Godlike," and I do my best every day to show that love to the poeple of Pelileo.

Have a great week Y'all!

Élder Sharp 



Monday, October 22, 2018

So this week i got sick for the first time on Tuesday. That was annoying because I couldn´t work, so the day drug on. but I prayed a lot and felt good the next day! so there´s another testimony of prayer for y´all. I studied from Jesus´ ministry and realized how awesome it is that we even have those, they help me better model Christ in my life.
The work is difficult. Because we are working with real people with real problems, it´s hard to get people to church. But we keep working, because it´s important that people know what Christ did for them.

Not much else happened this week. I'm studying A TON, which is awesome. Ecuador is pretty, and I'm getting more and more used to life as a missionary.  The weather here is kinda funny, because it doesn´t change. so when I try to explain weather in Tennessee, they don´t understand.

¡Espero que tienen una semana genial!

-Élder Sharp

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Poem for Mom and Dad

"O my Mother, thou that lovest
me when I need it the most.
With thy teaching and examples 
I have every cause to boast
In our humble, loving family
Thou hast shown me grace and truth.
Though we´ve suffered great afflictions
I´m so grateful for my youth.

O my Father, loving protector
thou hast been there all my life
Thou hast shown me, by example,
How to live and love my wife.
Standing right be-side my mother
thou hast weathered every storm.
When the world was cold and dreary
Hugs and laughter kept me warm

Dearest Mother, Loving Father
Thou hast sacrificed so much
To raise six loving children
who have been under thy watch.
As we grew, we heard thy teachings
and took heed of thy advice:
"Love your family, don't be stupid.
Love your neighbor and be nice."

As we leave this loving house-hold
Bittersweet feelings arise
Though we´re gone, You're never forgotten
and that should come as no surprise.
In times of trial and heartache
We´ll remember all we´ve been told.
For we´re born of goodly parents
As Nephi of old."

Monday, October 15, 2018

A New Transfer

This week was not as bad as i thought it would be. My new companion is really cool. Our new area really is humongous, but it is SO pretty.

We´ve got a good amount of people to teach, so that keeps us busy enough. Today we went to Ambato and I bought a guitar! So I´ll be working on that for a while.

I feel the hand of God in my life. I can say that with conviction, without a shadow of a doubt. This is where I´m meant to be, and He wants me to be the best man i can be. There is no greater honor than receiving His help.

¡Tengan una buena semana!

Élder Sharp

P.S. I forgot the monthly poem last week, so here it is so far:

"Hurrah for Israel! My work has begun!
I'm ready for trials, bring on the fun!
I give these next two years to my Lord!
I wield the Holy Armour, shield, and sword!

Hurrah for Israel! What more can I say?
May the Refiner's fire light my way!
Awake my soul! Rejoice my heart!
My Lord, please make me as thou art!

Hurrah for Israel! The field is white!
The world is dark, but our light is bright!
Temptations run rampant, the natural man is strong.
But my God is with me, Her leads me along!

Hurrah for Israel! Have faith in Christ!
For when we fall He helps us Rise!
His Atonement is there, and His love is unchanging,
He can calm any storm that´s raging!

Hurrah for Israel and the Blacksmith above!
I´m folded and battered by His perfecting Love!
Through His great care and patience, a sword I will become,
A weapon against the darkness, Until our savior doth come!"  


Monday, October 8, 2018

Weekend of Change


So I found out yesterday I`m going to be staying Pelileo the next transfer and me and my new companion are going to be the only ones here. My area is going to be huge and I`m supposed to be the leader.... but I`m not  trainee any more. The Lord qualifies those he calls, So I`m gonna pray a lot.  

The work is getting better. I`m learning so much and my Spanish is getting better at a surprising rate (I`m sure there's some divine intervention there)

In light of the Prophet`s words in General Conference, I feel like stating that I am not a Mormon. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It is an honor to wear His name on my chest Daily. I thank God every day for finding my worthy to be a representative of His church, and I pray every day to remain worthy of that honor.

This is how I become the man I want to be, so I`ll learn all I can.

Hope y`all`s week goes brilliantly.

¡Hasta la próxima ves!
Èlder Sharp

Monday, October 1, 2018

Zone Conference

¡Saludes, Vecinos!
So this week we had Zone conference and I got to see my MTC companion! We got a lot of great talks and I gave the spiritual thought (en Español). One of my favorites was when President Barlow Talked on having trust in the Lord and being trustworthy of him. The rest of the week was more of the same: contacting and inviting.

Today we when to a zoo in Baños and we saw many animals. But, the most amazing animal there was the majestic "White-Tailed Deer", indigenous to the US. That was really funny to see them near the Bengal Tiger.

Everything else has been talking to others and learning Spanish. This really is a beautiful country and I´m truly grateful to all of you who send me your prayers.

¡Nos Vemos!

Élder Sharp