Sunday, June 24, 2018

Week 3

Third P-Day! This week went pretty fast for me. I didn't get that package until Monday because my DL didn't give me the note until 4, but I love the shoes! They're a big Improvement. We did TRC's this week, which is teaching an actual native speaker, and we did pretty well. I can understand Spanish... for the most part! 

I hosted incoming missionaries Wednesday and couldn't believe I was that guy not too long ago.
I can't believe I've only been here 2 1/2 weeks; it feels like so much longer. I feel I'm in the right place. Satan's spared no expense for sure, but I pray literally at least 6 times a day. We talk about Gospel Doctrine in our room. I know it's true :)

How are you guys? That's awesome that Grandma and Grandpa Sharp might move there. As much as I like Provo, Chattanooga is better. The grass here feels fake haha. The mountains look cool, but even they look a little fake hahaha. We joke about that a lot. I'm excited about Nala's puppies, too. She was pretty. That's good that you felt the need to quit Adient. Moving to Chattanooga/Ringgold was meant to be a new start anyways. You should do something you enjoy anyways. That would make Everyone else happy as well, I know.

I've doing lot's of thinking in my time here. About the Prophet Joseph Smith, the Early Saints, the Savior, and everything that happened to get me here. We sang "Praise to the Man" in choir this week, and it was powerful. The Director said something that hit me.  He said, "No matter how hard my mission gets, it'll still be easier than Joseph's." I love this gospel.

I forgot my camera so I'll send the pictures in another email.

I love you guys. Family's important, now more than ever.

-Elder Sharp

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Week 2

Hey Family!  My week's been weird... Time is weird here. It feels like months since I left y'all, yet days are starting to pick up. El Don de Lenguas es real for sure. I'm understanding so much, but speaking is still slow to me. We are learning new words everyday as a District and I am excited. Monday we are teaching a native-speaker.  My companion and I are so stoked. We've been teaching "investigators" but they were pretending to not know Ingleis; this "investigator" will actually be native, so our "skills" will be truly tested.

There are a total of six Elders in my room and one of the Elders (Elder Howe) is from Alabama. He is also number three of six,  and we have a lot else in common. We joke that we are basically the same person. All the Elders going to Nicaragua got reassigned! The ones in my District are going to Peru now and have to completely change their wardrobe. We play volleyball pretty much every day and Soccer on Saturday. It is hard with these shoes and I will be thankful for the others.

I have not got the package yet, but thank you so much! I had meant to ask you to put the "Singles Ward" soundtrack on that player, but then I thought that music may not be appropriate, haha.

One of my Roommates (his name is Elder Giles) said something earlier this week that really rang true with me. He said "One interesting thought is, you know how Laman and Lemuel saw angels and still were wicked?  And Nephi was like 'Brothers, you've seen angel and know it to be true!' but they still did bad stuff. well aren't we like them? How many times have we been in a situation where we were like 'This church is 100% true' yet one week later still have doubts?" That thought blew my mind. I then Wrote down "Look for 'you've seen an angel' moments and always try to remember them. Now every time I feel the spirit I think "you've just seen an angel, Elder."

I love my time here at the MTC, but I know eventually I  will be REALLY wanting to be in Ecuador. 

Please keep me updated on everything! I love you!

Elder Sharp

Sunday, June 10, 2018

First Email Home! 06/09/2018

Hola, Madre!
I've only been here a few days, but it feels like a month. The Elders who've been here three weeks say it will go by fast by the time I'm here as long as they have been. My classes are actually pretty fun. My teacher speaks only Spanish in a pretty fast speed, but he makes sure we understand what he is saying. 

There are six missionaries in my dorm, and my companion's name is Elder Roberts. He's 21 and lived in Provo prior to reporting to the MTC. He's going to Quito, too. The elders in my Zone are cool as well. They say to have fun whenever possible but be serious everywhere else. The Sisters here are cool too. All the missionaries are strong in the gospel and that motivates me to continue trying my hardest.

I'm slowly learning Spanish, but I'm not being hard on myself because it is only day 4. It has surprised me how much I am remembering. It humbles me to know the Lord is on my side. 

We greet each other all the time in Spanish and try to speak Spanish whenever possible. this helps me towards full immersion into the Language and the Gospel. I got a bottle that says MTC on it and a "Stripling Warriors Mamma's Boys" t-shirt from the shop here. It has surprised me how many Elders here are older than 18. Many waited til they were 19 to go. So that doesn't really bother me now. 

P-day surprised me with how different it is from the other days. This morning we went to the temple and did Endowments around 7, so we woke up 30 minutes earlier than normal, haha. After we were done with that, we played soccer for an hour then ate lunch and did laundry. it is very laid back. Each day I think more about being a missionary and going into the mission field. I'm excited yet terrified about what I'll experience and how I'll do in the service of the lord. I pray all the time for peace of mind and strength to be a strong missionary in the Lord's hands.

How have you guys been since I left? Did you send my Oil Valve? And you may need to send laced tennis shoes because mine are not good for running in, they are too loose, hahaha.

I love you and I love the Gospel of Jesucristo. I'm glad to be here and strengthen the testimony I have.

Elder Sharp

Here is my mailing address:
Elder Dustin Michael Sharp
2005 N 900 E Unit 157
Provo UT 84602