Sunday, July 8, 2018

Week 5

I got my travel plans yesterday! If I get my visa before next Saturday, I will be in Ecuador by the 17th! I have one last week in the MTC,  and I'm ready to go! This week we our district chose patience as the Christ-like attribute to work on. I've got great patience with other people, but I'm not very patient with myself. So, as I prayed for better patience, I was of course given opportunities to be patient. So, all week I felt "out-of-it."  But I got the MP3 player and was able to listen to "Float." I'm not too proud to admit I teared up while listening to it hahaha. I had also kinda hoped you had put the "singles ward" soundtrack on there. Because that music would be really good to work out with hahaha.

So I have one P-day left here. In my time here, I've learned how to have a conversation En Español and have become WAY better at Volleyball. I've had Kolob explained to me and have become pumped with the Spirit in ways I've dreamed about. This past week I shared this story:

A man is sitting on a fence. To one side he is being called over by God, Christ, and everyone he's ever known and loved. On the other side sat Satan reclining in a lawn chair sipping a glass of ice-tea.
The man says to the Devil, "these people really want me over there."
Satan replies, "Yep."
"Why aren't you trying to get me over to your side?"
The devil took another sip and said, "Well, I own the fence."
I love that story.

I'm glad I chose to go on a mission so long ago. I look forward to serving the Lord and blessing my hermanos y hermonas in Ecuador. It will be hard, but the best things are worth fighting for.

I love you guys and look forward to y'all's emails every week.

¡Nos Vemos!
-Elder Sharp

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